L’obiettivo principale CSC è quello di monitorare i cambiamenti nella criosfera alpina. Inoltre è responsabile della supervisione di tutte le reti di monitoraggio nazionali a lungo termine riguardanti lo studio della criosfera.di più

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmondi più

Start-ups in business heaven

Horizons No. 141

How do start-ups succeed in the real market? Some start-up founders still seem to be standing in white coats in the lab, while others are already are already familiar with the top management of potential major investors. But one thing is the same for all of them: the joy of developing their babies.

Horizons No. 141 (in German)
  • In the land of spin-offs
  • Everyday euphoria, everyday panic
  • Hi, spin-off guys! How’s it going?
  • Safeguarding for success
  • Different terms
  • In pictures: Talking big
