The task of the SCC is to observe the changes of the alpine cryosphere. Furthermore, supervises all long-term cryospheric monitoring networks of Switzerland.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore


The results of the measurements are regularly published in different media. Here you have access to the most important publication of all three measurement networks.

The results concerning the measurement network for glaciers and permafrost are published in the Glaciological Report every second year. Furthermore there are numerous articles in the form of new releases which can be found in the magazine “Die Alpen” (Zeitschrift des SchweizerAplen Clubs SAC).

Glaciological Report (Glacier)

Glaciological Report (Permafrost)

Events, News

Large volumes of dust from the Sahara entered Switzerland in several waves in the winter and spring of 2024. The dust collected on the surface of the snow and glaciers, leading to an increase in solar radiation absorbed during the summer. This considerably accelerated the thawing process.

Severe melting of glaciers despite heavy snowfall at high altitudes

After the extreme circumstances encountered in 2022 and 2023, no relief is in sight for Swiss glaciers. Despite exceptionally large volumes of snow during the winter, a combination of temperatures

Image: Matthias Huss
Drohnenansicht des Val da l'Aqua Blockgletscher (Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Zernez)

Die Engadiner Blockgletscher gehören zu den 100 bedeutendsten Geo-Erbestätten weltweit

100 geologische Stätten aus aller Welt wurden von der International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für das Verständnis des Planeten Erde und seiner Geschichte ausgewählt. Darunter befinden

Image: A. Cicoria